Source your creativity
to take daring, collaborative action

People believe what they help to create.

This reminds us that our work needs to be inclusive and transparent. Rather than working to get “buy-in” late in the process, let's include people, have them contribute, and create connection from the beginning.

Relationship is the medium for transformation.

We are changed by our relationships. Whether they are with people, communities, the land, or ideas. Let’s make the quality of our relationships the focus of our work.

Cultivate emergence.

What if we created the environment for the emergence of transformative elements, instead of trying to make things happen? Let's nurture the conditions for innovative ideas, actions, or relationships to arise, flourish, and take root.

Find the least amount of structure needed.

There is no greater obstacle to emergence than over-complicated structures. Let’s be thoughtfully simple and make the space for amazing things to appear.